PCR test and fit to fly certificate

PCR Test and Fit to Fly Certificate

PCR Test and Fit to Fly Certificate

The world is opening up and if you are looking to travel to another country, you may be required to provide a negative Covid-19 test report possibly with a fit to fly certificate prior to boarding your flight. A fit to fly certificate is a Post Negative Covid-19 test based medical document signed by an NHS trained UK General Medical Council (GMC) doctor. The certificate will show that you are fit to fly, with no symptoms of Covid-19 and a low risk of spreading coronavirus to other people in the country you intend to fly to.
GAN Visa provides private Covid-19 PCR test complete with a signed fit to fly certificate from 48 hours to as urgent as within 4 hours. GAN Visa have developed fit to fly packages so you can fly wherever you need to without any stress or anxiety and with an assurance of guaranteed turnaround times and delivery. GAN Visa RT-PCR and Fit-to-Fly certificates are fully certified and accredited by Public Health England, guaranteeing your test results will be accepted by your airline and related country immigration officials

Test to Release Certificate

The Test to Release Covid-19 process reduces your self-isolation in UK after International travel period by getting tested for Covid-19. It is a latest initiative for travelers entering England from a country that is not on the travel corridor list. By default, travelers need to self-isolate for 10 days on arrival from any country that is not on the list. However, from 15th December travelers entering England from countries outside the travel corridor list will be able to end their quarantine period early if they pay for a private Covid-19 test called Test to Release. The test is to be carried out from 5 days after arriving in England. The self-isolation period will only be reduced to 5 days if the Covid-19 results are negative.
GAN Visa provides a quick test to release package with a fastest turnaround time to let you come out of your 10 day quarantine smoothly.

When to do Testing?

Different Countries require your Covid-19 test done at different time windows so you must check with your airline or relevant government website of the country you are travelling. For example, a 96 hour time window means that your swab needs to be taken within 96 hours of your flight.
It is your responsibility to advise us of your destination’s regulations and book your test at the right time for your travel. We cannot advise you on regulations by destination and do not take responsibility for the chosen timing of your test. You are entirely responsible for choosing the right time for your test.
Keeping that in mind GAN Visa provides the quickest within 4-hour Covid-19 test results and fit to fly certificate so you know you are in safe hands. If you missed the time window to get tested, you can book the quickest 4-hour testing slot with us and we will make sure you have your covid-19 test results and provided covid-19 results are negative, fit-to-fly certificates in time for your travel

How to get the PCR Test Certificate

GAN Visa provides an easiest and stress free 3 step Covid-19 testing procedure;
  • First Step: Book your appointment online or by calling us or you can even email us with your details
  • Second Step: Once the appointment is booked, you will arrive at the booked clinic in London, Manchester or Birmingham at the time of your appointment. Please note the wearing of masks is mandatory. Your Specialist Doctor will see you at the time of your appointment and perform the testing by taking nasal and back throat swabs then placing them in appropriate container and couriered directly to the accredited labs for screening. They will also verify your details to ensure they correspond with your passport
  • Final Step: Once the results are ready, your Covid-19 Test results along with your Fit-To-fly certificate will be issued and emailed to your provided email address at the time of booking

PCR Test and Fit to Fly Certificate in Hanger Lane Covid Test Centre

  • Same day PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate in 3 to 4 Hours

    Premium Medium Service Fee

  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate in 24 Hours

    Fast Track MEdical Service Fee

  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate in 36 Hours

    Express Medical Service Fee

  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate in 48 Hours

    Standard Medical Service Fee

  • Day 5 Test to Release

    Standard Medical Service Fee

  • COVID-19 Antibodies testing

    Standard Medical Service Fee


PCR Test and Fit to Fly Certificate in other Central London Locations

  • GAN Visa Harley Street Covid-19 PCR Test Centre.
  • GAN Visa Victoria Covid-19 PCR Test Centre.
  • GAN Visa Fulham Covid-19 PCR Test Centre.
  • GAN Visa Shoreditch Covid-19 PCR Test Centre.
  • GAN Visa Watford Covid-19 PCR Test Centre<
  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate Guranteed by email same day midnight

    Premium Medical Service Fee

  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate Guranteed by email next day delivered at 6 pm

    Fast Track Medical Service Fee

  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate Guranteed by email in 2 days delivered at 9 am

    Express Medical Service Fee

  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate Guaranteed by email in 2 days delivered at 6pm

    Standard Medical Service Fee

  • COVID-19 Antibodies testing

    Standard Medical Service Fee


PCR Test and Fit to Fly Certificate in Manchester and Birmingham

  • GAN Visa Birmingham Covid-19 PCR Test Centre
  • GAN Visa Manchester Covid-19 PCR Test Centre
  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate Guranteed by email same day midnight

    Premium Medical Service Fee

  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate Guranteed by email next day delivered at 6 pm

    Fast Track Medical Service Fee

  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate Guranteed by email in 2 days delivered at 9 am

    Express Medical Service Fee

  • PCR testing and Fit to Fly Certificate Guaranteed by email in 2 days delivered at 6pm

    Standard Medical Service Fee

  • COVID-19 Antibodies testing

    Standard Medical Service Fee


Additional Notes

  • Trаvеl rеgulаtiоnѕ and the PCR testing requirements аrе subject tо сhаngе. Yоu should kеер uр tо date with thе Gоvеrnmеnt’ѕ аdviсе аbоut trаvеl rules, corresponding PCR Testing compliance аnd find оut аbоut уоur destination’s rеԛuirеmеntѕ, inсluding any соuntriеѕ уоu раѕѕ thrоugh if you hаvе a flight transfer.
  • You are entirely responsible for choosing the right time for your test based on your understanding of the current rules and regulations set by your airline and the country you are travelling. Our Doctors and Healthcare assistants are here to assist you to have your test safely and reliably but may not be aware of destination regulations and cannot advise you. GAN Visa takes no responsibility if you test too early for travel or if you change your travel plans.
  • Be aware of enhanced screening, monitoring and quarantine procedures that may be required as you enter into a different country.
  • Check your travel insurance coverage and how it may be impacted by the country you are travelling and how badly it is affected by the pandemic outbreak.
  • Currently Test to Release Certificate is voluntary. If you choose not to perform Test to Release, you must self-isolate for 10 days upon return from a country not on the travel corridor list.

Book your PCR Test & Fit to Fly Certificate

About GAN Visa

Gan-visa travel, visa and consular service agency

Global and National (GAN) Visa Services is an accredited visa and consular services agency dedicated to delivering a reliable visa services at an affordable price and at a superior quality.

Contact Info

Winchester House,

259-269 Old Marylebone Road,

London, NW1 5RA, UK

(+44) (0) 207 846 0082


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