India Film Visa
Film Viѕа ('F' Viѕа) iѕ iѕѕuеd to such аррliсаntѕ tо shoot a feature film/ reality TV ѕhоw and commercial TV ѕеriаlѕ in Indiа рrоvidеd bу thе Ministry оf Infоrmаtiоn аnd Brоаdсаѕting, Gоvt. Thе film hаѕ tо bе ѕhоt ассоrding to thе ѕсriрt, as approved by thе Government оf Indiа. Miniѕtrу оf Information аnd Brоаdсаѕting will attach a liаiѕоn оffiсеr tо thе fоrеign tеаm whеrеvеr nесеѕѕаrу tо dо ѕо by thе Sсriрt Evaluator.The foreign tеаm muѕt show the complete film tо a representative оf the Gоvеrnmеnt оf Indiа, in India оr аbrоаd (i.е. аn Indian Miѕѕiоn аbrоаd), before its асtuаl release anywhere in thе wоrld. Nо portion оf thе film should bе ѕhоwn in thе ореn fоrum withоut рriоr аррrоvаl from the Gоvеrnmеnt оf Indiа.
Thе maximum numbеr оf crew for a ѕресifiс film bеing shot bу an international рrоduсtiоn соmраnу thаt can be аllоwеd undеr thiѕ visa rеgimе will be 125 unlеѕѕ thе рrоjесt iѕ оf such ѕсаlе that it nесеѕѕitаtеѕ thе рrеѕеnсе оf a lаrgеr intеrnаtiоnаl сrеw in Indiа whiсh will bе аllоwеd оn case to саѕе bаѕiѕ.
Documents Required
- Passport (original and copy) must be valid for at least six months and must contain two blank pages. UK residence permit, if applicable.
- Two recent photographs taken against a white background (50mm*50mm)
- Visa application form, dully completed in all sections, dated and signed. All pages of the filming application form have to be printed on the letter-head paper of the company.
- Dully completed and signed 'Declaration form'.
- An undertaking containing the below details, duly signed, dated and stamped:
- Detailed Synopsis
- Itinerary (Ports of entry and exit from India to be indicated)
- Bio-profile of the journalist/ film-directorApplicants Name
- Brief presentation of the production agency
- List of crew-members showing name and surname as featuring in the passport, contact coordinates - telephone & e-mail, profession/role in the process, nationality, date and place of birth (Day/ Month/ Year), passport number & validity
- Completed GAN Visa Order Form which is in the download visa pack.
Consular Fees & Visa Validity
India Visa Single Entry, validity up to 1 year
India Film Visa Consular Fee
India Visa Double Entry, validity up to 1 year
India Film Visa Consular Fee
India Visa Multiple Entries, validity up to 1 year
India Film Visa Consular Fee
Processing Time and Handling Fees
We charge a handling fee additional to the India embassy visa fee, for our validation service to ensure all of your documents are in order.
Express Service; 5 working days
Process time and Handling Fee
Standard Service; 8 working days
Process time and Handling Fee
Photograph print
GAN Visa Services
Additional Notes
- No foreigner can visit or reside in any prohibited place, declared as such under the provisions of the Officials Secrets Act, 1923 without the permission of the civil authority having jurisdiction at such place.
- Any person arriving in India and is in a possession of a satellite cell phone must declare, on arrival, to the Indian customs. The satellite phones declared to the Indian customs will be allowed clearance only after the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, issues a licence. Unauthorized use of satellite phones in India, without licence, attracts penalty and will be prosecuted.
- Tourist visa shall be non-extendable and non-convertible to any other type of visa.
Start your Application
If you have any questions regarding the India Film visa pack or have any confusion if it is the right visa for you, we provide a free call back consultation. As an expert in all types of visas to India we can help in every part of the visa process. Our Friendliest visa consultants will guide you on every step and be hands on assist
Free ConsultationIf you are affirmative on Film Visa is the right one for your travel to India and all ready to proceed further with your application, you can download our Film Visa package. The package has all the forms and visa requirement checklist to start your India Film Visa application.
Download Link will be emailed to you